To use Dianne's oft used expression, we have been working like dogs to get ready for our departure. There was still a lot of "stuff" to get rid of (ours and our daughter's) in addition to some of our valuable antiques. Soooo..... Reluctantly, we had another garage sale. This time, we timed it to coincide with Pendleton's Fall Heritage Fair, which always draws hundreds of out-of-town people. It was a good decision. About two-thirds of the "stuff" was sold after the two-day sale. All of the remaining items were loaded in the car and taken to Goodwill. Our new garage is now clear!
We have also completely emptied the house and garage of the house that we are selling. Dianne listed the last antiques on Craig's list and one very valuable 1830 nine foot tall-case clock on Ebay. The clock was purchased by a clock expert from Cincinnati, who assures us that he knows how to get the wooden works to once again keep time. All of the other items are also gone. The house and garage are totally empty. What a relief! We can now live the rest of our lives only being concerned about the few items we have in the little house that we will visit for a couple months each year and the motor home. We also decided to keep our red
Adirondack chairs so that we can enjoy the views of the soy bean field and woods across the street.
The second floor of the little house is totally devoted to the storage of the items that we could not part with (photos, etc.), and the items that our daughters and granddaughter wanted us to keep for them.
Speaking of our grandaughter, Kaia called us today. She just got her first report card from her new school in Fort Myers --- nine A's and 3 B's. Not bad! We are so proud of her and can't wait to see her and her mother in our travels.
We had the motor home serviced at Mt. Comfort RV yesterday - a VERY good place for service. We have come to depend on their advice and trust the service that they have done for us. Good people! While we waited, we wandered through the store. Dianne found an extension to add to our batwing so that we could, hopefully, get all of the local channels. (There is a tree in front of our satellite's south view that needs to be addressed when we return in May.) We have only been getting one of the three major networks. I installed it, and it actually works! Now we can keep up on the new network shows. Too bad we did not get it earlier, since we are leaving on Sunday.
I will end with what I think is a funny story. (Dianne may not.) We both have a laundry list of tasks to accomplish before we leave for the Gypsy Journal Eastern Rally in Celina, Ohio on Sunday. One of the items was to address the locking of our new front and garage doors. Since we did not have a key for the garage door, nor the ability to shut the storm door in the front without it blowing open, both needed to be repaired. We made a quick trip to the local hardware store and purchased a new handle/lock (with new keys) for the garage door, and a new handle mechanism for the storm door in the front. Dianne and I agreed that we could each install one of the items. Dianne took the storm door, so I started on the garage door.
We have a photo of the new garage walk-in door lock installation. It works REALLY well. After I finished, I went into the house to see how Dianne was doing.
Let's just say that despite the smile on Dianne's face (with the drill), that things were not going well. Evidently, the installation require the drilling of a couple of new holes in the metal storm door. As you can see, Dianne drilled at least five.
Fortunately, they are all now covered by the new installation, which, I must admit, was much more involved than mine. Oh well! Everything now works. It's all good!
Our next entry will probably be from the Gypsy Journal Eastern Rally in Celina, Ohio. We have been looking forward to this for far too many months. It should be both fun and educational as we learn some of the new skills of our adopted lifestyle. WE CAN'T WAIT TO GET THERE.
Dianne here: Boy, do we need a break, and we REALLY need to soak up this rally and remember why we've been doing all this work this summer, and what we're working towards. We have both reverted to our former stressed-out selves, and can't wait to get all this behind us and hit the road once again!!
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