Hey this is Kaia!
Guess what, my grandparents came........again! haha

So i guess it is my job to tell you what we did! Well first we were at
Shady Acres, which i wasn't a big fan of, nether was mea-maw and pop-pop.
But i guess it was kind of fun - i mean it had a dog park, who doesn't like that, but still it was kind of a bore.
My grandparents already had wonderful guests: Chuck and Cindy Gemmer.
They were very nice people and let me tell you, when it comes to cooking food, they know what they're doing! Okay well lets not talk about that.
So after a few weeks, the Gemmers went back to Indiana and mea-maw and pop-pop went to W.P. Franklin lock and dam. It was very beautiful. One weekend i didn't spend with my grandparents. My friends came to my house: Anna Vaca, and Cheyanne Cobrera. Then, i went to the motor home and i was waiting to see them as i was in the car.
There was a dock and it wasn't finished yet but i had fun walking on it anyway.......ha ha! Then, one day when i was on the dock, i dropped meamaw's shoe! Me and poppop had to kayak to go and get it! It was her fav. shoe, so we had to get it. Luckily we did find it.
Then on friday, i had a friend stay over at the motor home:
Cheyanne Cobrera.
1st meamaw picked us up at school. Then she took us to blockbuster to get bandslam, new moon, and beetlejuice. we didn't watch beetlejuice though we watched bandslam and new moon. Cheyanne and i were in meamaw and poppop's room.
It was fun! We stayed up until 5:00!
In the morning, we had chocolate-chip muffins!
YUM!!! They were delicious!
Then, we went kayaking!
i went first, because cheyanne was afraid. Then she finally went after i came back with poppop. While cheyanne
was kayaking, i was in my own world.....haha! i was actually acting like i was at a concert.
Then when cheyanne came back we took a picture together.
On Friday we went to the dog beach.........after cheyanne left of course.
Jasper kept chasing me in the water hahaha it was fun! Cinnamon
couldn't be trusted, because she almost ran away.
Chaplin did run away. :-( until i found him. :-) YAY!!!
Well, thats all you have to hear and i'll i have to say: Again, recycle, stay in school, make sure travel with whippets is your number 1 website and well....peace! $upercheeee$y* and if your wondering what super cheesy is, it's my signature alright $upercheeee$y*