Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ouabache State Park

Hi all, Dianne here. This will be a short update, since we are under trees and I'm pecking this out on my iPhone since our Datastorm can't get a signal. We will be here for the next week or so, hunkering down here for Labor Day weekend. What a beautiful campground, and we have it almost all to ourselves. -- At least until the weekend crowds arrive. There are miles of hiking trails and, best of all, a paved bike trail through the woods that connects with another bike trail which winds next to Wabash River all the way to Bluffton, Indiana.

This morning we hiked with the dogs for a couple of miles. This afternoon we plan to check out the bike trail. We'll post an update when we're back in the land of satellite signals-- aka no trees!


  1. Thank goodness for the iPhone, Right?? good to hear from you and will look forward to the rest when you have satellite again.

  2. Where is this place located. It sounds like you are still in Indiana.


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