Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guadalupe River RV Resort - Kerrville, TX

Hi all, Dianne here.  When we stopped in the Texas Hill Country in December 2009, we knew it was a place we'd be sure to visit again.  This trip, we are staying at Guadalupe River RV Resort in Kerrville.  What a beautiful setting!  Our sites back up to the Guadalupe River, with a large expanse of grass, trails, trees, and very nice facilities. 

 The river itself is very shallow here, and the kids and dogs (and Roger) love wading way out into the river.  There are a lot of families with children here this week, as it is spring break in the Texas public schools.  After being in a 55+ atmosphere for 2 1/2 months, it's kind of fun to watch kids and young families enjoying outdoor time.

Bandido had never been in water before (that we know of), so he wasn't sure he wanted any part of it at first.  Soon, though, as he watched Sophie jump in and splash around (with much enthusiasm), he decided he'd try it too, with a little coaxing from dad.

Still not swimming, but I'm sure that will come with time.  It was a little bittersweet for me, though, because I know how much Jasper would have LOVED running in this shallow water.

Here's a shot of Roger and Chuck walking three very enthusiastic dogs down by the river:

We've spent quality time on our patios watching the deer, kids, and other river activity, and striving to keep Sophie and Bandido untangled on their leads (a never-ending struggle).  

As on all of our vacations together, Cindy and I have traded off cooking duties.  An especially delicious meal was Cindy's pork loin (cooked on the grill by Chef Chuck -- check out the steam rising from it) and cheesy potatoes. 

With apologies to Pat and Audrey, I just had to share photos.  (Pat and Audrey, you'll have YOUR chance to gain 10 pounds when we get together in Michigan this summer!)

We arrived here on a Saturday, and discovered that one of the things this park is known for is its River Rock Saloon with live music.  Saturday evening, the four of us trekked over for some Texas cheer.  The Chris Boss band was great!   He even played his guitar behind his back.

 A big fire pit added to the ambience.  What a great way to start off our week in the Hill Country!

Check back soon, because we plan to write a series of short blogs about our activities here.

The pet photo of the day is another cute shot of Bandido being a very good doggie, as Roger teaches him to sit and stay while he walks about 20 - 30 yards away from the leash.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a thinkin' that if'n I had a 20 pound anchor around my neck I'd sit and stay just like that hound of yers does, and I ain't a gonna show yer photo two Nilda, leastaways she gets that same idea in her head.


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