South Carolina is beautiful in April! The azaleas and dogwoods are in full bloom, and everything is my favorite shade of spring green. The weather has been perfect.
Willow Tree RV Resort is a beautiful facility. The sites are large, private, and beautifully
landscaped. It's very quiet; I love hearing the wind rush through the tall pine trees, the mockingbirds singing, and the woodpeckers drumming. Last night I listened to Whip-poor-wills singing their evening song.
There is a lovely lake with a paved one-mile path for hiking, biking, and walking our dogs. Fishing and paddle boats are available, along with a swimming beach and large pool area.
There are even some sites at this resort with individual hot tubs! We are getting a special rally rate, so we're not in the deluxe sites, but even the site we have is large, private, and very, very nice indeed! We opted to stay a few days after the rally just to enjoy this beautiful place.
Howard and Linda Payne, who have the RV Dreams web site, are hosting the rally. Howard and Linda hit the road back in 2005 after quitting the corporate rat race in their early 40s. I came upon their web site in 2006, because that is about the time Roger and I started thinking about his retirement and how to hit the road ourselves.
Howard does a better job of
describing the events here, so if
you would like to learn more about
what we've been up to this week,
check out his blog by clicking on
"RV Dreams" on the left sidebar. There's even a photo of Roger helping out with registration on the first day!
Here are a listing of seminars we've attended:
- Emotional Aspects of the Full-Timing Decision
- Selecting a "Home Base" and Insurance Considerations
- What Does it Cost to Full-Time?
- TV Options for RVers
- High Speed Internet for RVers
- Buying an RV - Pros, Cons & Must Haves
- Boondocking/Solar
- Working on the Road
- Manage Your Digital Photos With Google's Picasa 2
- RV Tire Safety
- RV Weight Safety
- (Roger: I have now been to three of these presentations. This one, including the tire safety, by Walter Cannon may well have been the best. Loved his sense of humor and very clear explanations.)
- Choosing a Camp Site
- Every RVer Needs a Blog
In addition to the educational seminars, there were social activities as well:
- Catered Welcome Dinner
- Chili Cook-Off
- Roger here... Dianne won't tell you this, but the organizers of the rally had her stand up for an ovation for the chocolate eclair dessert that she brought. Mmmm! I married a good "cooker"!
- Favorite RV Gadgets "Show and Tell"
- My anal-retentive system of storing and finding "stuff" drew a lot of comments from the other RVers. People from my former employers (Hamilton Southeastern Schools) will probably not be too surprised by this. By the way, Dianne referred to me as anal in front of the entire group. Very embarrassing! (Dianne: If the shoe fits....)
- We did a blog on Roger's organizational system when he did it; if you want to see that, click on "organization" in the left sidebar to bring that blog up.
- My "show and tell" included two of my favorite gadgets that save weight and space in the motor home. I'm including a link if you want to learn more:
- Potluck
- Dianne's BLT salad was scraped clean before we got in line.
- Family Feud (what a blast that was!)
- Open Rig Walk-Throughs
- Catered Steak & Shrimp Dinner
- Golden Oldies Sock Hop
- Dianne actually danced with me several times. What fun! Felt like I was in college again.
- Catered Full Farewell Breakfast
We loved meeting and talking to folks who are going through the same process we just finished. We actually felt like so-called "experts" as we answered some questions! The people, including Howard and Linda, were great - fun people with common interests who felt like friends.
All in all, it has been a great experience and we're really glad we came. We have met some real characters and wonderful people this week and hope to stay in touch and follow their progress as they begin their own adventures.
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